Educational – Registering to Vote and Getting Voter Information

Registering to Vote and Getting Voter Information:

  • United States citizens who are 18 years of age can visit this website to begin their voter registration process which allows them to vote in local, state and national elections
  • Visitors to this site can also register to pledge to vote which will allow them to receive voting information such as dates and locations to be up to date with voting information
  • In addition to registration and pledging, interested voters can select their state which will provide up to date voting information specific to their location in the country
  • This website also provides resources for voters interested in voting advocacy and spreading information to fellow citizens about their necessary voting information

The 2016 United States Presidential election will be held on Tuesday, November 8th and registration needs to be completed prior to voting in this election.  If you are unsure about your registration, voting location, or election dates you can visit Rock The Vote’s website to learn about all of the information relevant to elections happening in your area.  Voting is considered by many to be one of the most important civic duties an individual who lives in a democratic society has – it is very important to make informed decisions which reflect your analysis of potential candidates.

Additional Information about Rock the Vote:

  • When you select your state you will be directed to a new page which allows you to look up candidates, voter registration deadlines and more information about local elections
  • Rock the Vote provides reminder options for upcoming elections – registrants can elect to have their reminder be sent via email or by text message
  • If you are a student you can also learn about options for registering to your correct location – while you often have the options you should make how this will affect your voting rights


