Educational – American Red Cross Outlook Web App

American Red Cross Outlook Web App:

  • American Red Cross members who have access to Red Cross email can visit the Outlook Web App to sign in to their account and manage their email inbox and messages
  • Outlook Web App is available for users of the Microsoft Outlook Platform which is used by enterprises across the world and is one of the main business email platforms
  • The advantage of the Web App for Outlook is that Red Cross employees can access their inbox and send messages without being on their primary computer with the full Outlook software
  • To access your account you will need to provide your Red Cross Email Address and your password associated with your email address which will allow you to access your account

Having mobile access to email and email messaging is very important in our ever connected world.  Many companies and non-profits are finding web portals or applications such as the Outlook Web App to allow their employees or other members associated with the groups to access their email accounts remotely.  You do not need the full Outlook Software installed to use the Outlook Web App so this allows for easy and convenient access to your email account when you are not at your primary work computer.

More Notes Regarding the American Red Cross Outlook Web App Email Access:

  • Red Cross email addresses typically follow the first name last name format with an at RedCross domain for the email addresses within the organization
  • For help, users can contact the IT Service Desk if they need additional resources accessing their account or managing account settings


