Promotional – Dior Opinion Survey Promotion

Tell Dior

  • Provide feedback related to a Dior purchase
  • Customers who provide feedback will have a chance to win free make up products or a counter consultation
  • To take the Tell Dior survey customers will need the date of visit, location (specific Dior location) and time of visit (i.e. 8am to 9am, 1pm to 3pm, 5pm to 7pm etc)
  • A total of 5 winners will be selected a month
  • Customers will rate a variety of customer service related questions on a scale of “strongly agree” to “strong disagree”

An example of a question from the Dior Survey includes: “I am likely to recommend this Dior counter to a friend or family member” then the customer will be asked to rate their answer on a scale of 1 to 5.  If at any point during the Tell Dior opinion survey the customer selects “Disagree” they will be asked to provide specific information about why they selected that response.

What are the terms and conditions associated with the Tell Dior Promotional Drawing?

  • No purchase is required in order to enter
  • The prize is a selection of Dior Make Up products and a free consultation at the Dior sales counter
  • Winners will be drawn on the last day of the month
  • ALL Entries received after the last day of each month will be entered into the next month’s selection
  • Customers must be 18 years of age or older to win and females are preferred
  • Employees of Dior or InMoment (the sweepstakes admin) are not allowed to participate
  • Winners will be notified by phone
  • Two Dior survey entries are allowed per week, per household regardless of the number of purchases made at Dior during that given week (a week runs from Monday to Sunday)
  • Contestants can only win one prize every 12 weeks (aka 3 months)

The survey is promoted by Dior who are based at UK House,180 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1AB.  Any questions about the Dior survey promotion can be directed to a customer care agent at 800-929-3467.


  1. Dior survey terms